Previous updates!



2011-10-15: Intel MD8080A/B, Intel 3101, Tesla MHB8080A

2008-04-15: Intel MC8080A.

2008-03-18: Intel 8080 With no prefix or suffix and Intel C8308.

2008-01-13: Intel C4004 , Intel C4008, Intel MD3001/B, Intel MD3002/B.

2007-12-30: Intel C4004 G.

2007-12-12: Intel P2102 and two different Intel D2114.

2007-12-01: Intel C8101--2, Intel C3101A, Intel C8111A-4 and Intel C4002-2.

2007-11-06: Intel C8080A.

2007-10-18: Intel D2125 and Intel 2401.

2007-10-08: Four new Intel C4001, Intel C3107A and Intel C3211.

2007-09-17: Intel C3214, Intel C8185 and Intel D8089ES.

2007-09-11: Intel C8080A, Intel 4001 3" silicon wafer.

2007-06-13: Intel C8080 CS.

2007-05-20: Intel C4004 and Intel C4003.

2007-05-15: Intel C2112A and Intel C2116-3.

2007-03-02: Intel D4002-2, Intel P4002-1 and Intel P4003 gold pins.

2007-02-19: Two new Intel C4003 chips, MCS-4 section opened.

2007-02-09: Intel C4002-2, Intel C2113 AOH ES, Intel C2114 ES and Intel C8708.

2007-02-07: Intel C2101-1,  Intel MD3002/B and Intel D7220-1

2007-01-15: Intel C3628, Intel D3003 and Intel C1302.

2007-01-08: 3 Intel C4002-1 and Intel P4001 grey.

2006-06-15: Five new Pentium chips.

2006-06-13: Intel C3210, Intel C8316 and Intel C8751-8.

2006-05-07: 6 slot1 CPU's PentiumIII and Celeron.

2006-05-06: Intel C2101.

2006-04-28: Intel Pentium A80501-66.

2006-04-20: opened Celeron section.

2006-04-18: Intel C1701, opened Intel Pentium III section.

2006-03-24: Opened Texas Instruments section.

2006-03-21: Intel C2105, Intel 1702A in B-package. Opened 2109 section.

2006-03-12: Opened Microcontrollers section, only a few to start with but more will come.

2006-03-08: 10 new Intel chips P4002-2, D3001, P3101,

2006-02-28: Four new Intel C2704's, Intel C3104 and Intel D3207A.

2006-02-27: Opened 2102 and 3404 sections.

2006-02-24: 7 more sealed Intel boxes:
8087, 80287, 80387, 80486 and 80487.

2006-02-23: 3 new sealed
Pentiums and 2 new sealed PentiumPro CPU's.

2006-02-21: 2 new
Pentium CPU's, Intel C4308, Intel C3106 and AMD C2101.

2006-02-20: Intel

2006-02-06: Opened
2114 section.

2006-02-04: Opened Intel
Partnumber page.

Intel P4002.

2005-11-11: Three new Intel
Pentium cpu's.

2005-11-06: Opened
2708 section.

2005-10-25: Intel
P4003 Gray

2005-10-17: Intel

Tesla 3002

Intel A80486 ES.

2005-06-09: Intel
C4002-2, Intel C2101-2, Intel C1103A, Intel P1101A1.

2005-05-12: Intel
C8080A, Intel RapidCAD chipset.

Intel C8080A CS.

Intel C3003, MF1101AP, MM1101A2D and MF1103AP.

2004-12-28: Intel
D8080 and Fujitsu 8086.

2004-12-17: Intel MSC-86 Kit

2004-12-08: Intel
486-33, 486-66 and Pentium P200

2004-12-07: Intel
RapidCAD chipset.

2004-11-17: New Intel
C4004 with #5 marking.

2004-11-15: Eight new Intel
C8008 cpu's.

2004-11-12: Intel
P4265 and intel P4269.

 2004-10-28: Added Intel 3002 datasheet.
2004-10-09: Intel
C4003 and Intel C80286-4

2004-07-07: White / gray Intel C4002-1
2004-07-05: New Intel
1702A and Intel C4001.
2004-04-21: Intel
C4004 and Intel C4009.
2004-04-20: Three new Intel
C8008 cpu's.
MF1601 and MF1602.
2004-04-15: Siemens
8008, Russian 8086 clone and MF1103X.
Intel 3002, Intel P1101A and Intel P3101

Intel 8008 and M8008
2004-03-28: Added
INS4004D and  INS4009D

 2004-03-20: Introduced the RAM history.

2004-03-19: Opened the Mixed Peripherial Section.

2004-03-15: Added Signetics MP8080AI.

2004-03-11: Added new Intel P4001 and Intel P4003

2004-03-09: Added Intel C4004 and Intel C4003

2004-03-01: Intel C4001, C4002, 3301A, ID8080A

2004-02-20: Added Intel C8080A in purple ceramic.
2004-02-08:  Pentium ES, opened 4002 section (RAM).
2004-02-07: Updated 1301 ROM section.
2004-02-03: Added Intel C8085A-2, C8085AH, Pentium Pro 133MHz and Intel C4201.
2004-01-14: Pentium section updated.

2004-01-13: Updated 1702 section, added 3 new 1702's.

2003-12-28: Added Pentium II section

2003-12-14: Intel C8085

2003-12-11: Intel MD3002/B and USSR clone

2003-12-10: Added new C4004 and P4009
2003-12-09: Added rare D4040 without copyright.
2003-11-28: Added MF8008R, KP80BM80A, M5L8085AP updated 80186 section.
2003-11-25: Updated Pentium section.
2003-11-24: Added C8008, C4201 and MD8080A
2003-11-17: Updates in 3002, 4004, 4040,  80186, 80486 and MOS sections.

2003-11-15: Added MF8008-1R
2003-11-14: Added C8085
2003-11-08: Added CMD and GTE
2003-11-05: Added Pentium Overdrive CPU's
2003-11-03: Added 486 Overdrive CPU's
2003-11-01: Zilog section updated
2003-10-27: Updated 3002 section.
2003-10-20: Added Info page .
2003-10-18: Added 80386 and 80387 sections
2003-10-17: Added 8008 clone U808D
2003-10-16: Added Intel C8080B

2003-10-08: Various minor updates in several sections.
2003-10-01: Added 80186, 80188 sections
2003-09-27:  3002,  4004 sections updated.
2003-09-25: Added 80486, 80487 sections. Updated 8085 section
2003-09-24: Added Pentium , PPro sections. Updated 8080 and MOS sections.



