A masterpiece of early computing!

The collection consists mostly of early Intel chips but many other chips has been collected during the years of collection.

Most of the collection is carefully mounted in beautiful frames to make the maximum visibility to enjoy the beautiful and rare vintage chips.
 All chips are unique in some way and there are no doublets in any frame except for the 3002 frame that shows the configuration
for a 16-bit bipolar computer.

Here are a link to show how the frames was made.

Click images to view high resolution photos!

MCS-4 collection in 30cm x 40cm frame


MCS-40 collection in 30cm x 40cm frame


8008 collection in 30cm x 40cm frame


Pentium Pro collection in 30cm x 40cm frame

3002 collection in 50cm x 60cm frame

8080 collection in 50cm x 70cm frame

8085 collection in 50cm x 70cm frame

RAM collection in 50cm x 70cm frame

8086, 8087 and 8088 collection in 50cm x 70cm frame

ROM collection in 50cm x 70cm frame

Celeron collection in 50cm x 70cm frame

Pentium collection in 50cm x 70cm frame


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